In this experience, I worked with a team to design and make 50 cupcake themed yo-yos using thermoforming and injection molding fabrication. Through this process I learned design for manufacture and assembly (DFM/DFA), process optimization, CNC machining, injection molding and thermoforming. 3D printed and aluminum molds were used to make thermoformed and injection molded parts. During the semester I designed the cupcake cake thermoform mold, the cake mold for injection molding, and optimized the design and machine settings for both injection molded components. To see more about this project please visit our website:
Cupcake themed yo-yo
Cupcake themed yo-yo
Exploded view of the assembly showcasing the four different components: injection molded cake and frosting and thermoformed sprinkles and cup
Exploded view of the assembly showcasing the four different components: injection molded cake and frosting and thermoformed sprinkles and cup
The sprinkles and cup thermoform molds were made using an SLA printer
The sprinkles and cup thermoform molds were made using an SLA printer
Cake and frosting molds, made using CNC mill and lathe
Cake and frosting molds, made using CNC mill and lathe
Sprinkles were thermoformed using both the male and female molds to eliminate webbing between the sprinkles and achieve the desired height
Sprinkles were thermoformed using both the male and female molds to eliminate webbing between the sprinkles and achieve the desired height
Due to the height of the cup a plug assist was used to draw the plastic sheet to the sides of the mold and create a vacuum seal on the bottom
Due to the height of the cup a plug assist was used to draw the plastic sheet to the sides of the mold and create a vacuum seal on the bottom
Completed individual components with frosting injection molded in different colors and hand painted sprinkles
Completed individual components with frosting injection molded in different colors and hand painted sprinkles
Cupcake yo-yo in the thermoformed cup stand to give it an authentic look when not in use
Cupcake yo-yo in the thermoformed cup stand to give it an authentic look when not in use
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