My love for design and hands-on skills I gained through my coursework experience has extended towards my personal projects. This selection of projects showcase the diversity of skills I have implemented, including woodworking, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, and embroidery.   
Projects in progress include: Queen bed headboard, garage workbenches, insulated outdoor cat house, and custom t-shirts. 
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Custom Epoxy River Table made with pine
Epoxy coasters made from collected NJ beach rocks
Epoxy coasters made from collected NJ beach rocks
Vinyl sticker tumbler commemorating my family's annual camping tradition
Vinyl sticker tumbler commemorating my family's annual camping tradition
Syrian-inspired tatreez (cross-stitching) made for MIT MechE
Syrian-inspired tatreez (cross-stitching) made for MIT MechE
"Read": custom made graduation cap
"Read": custom made graduation cap
"This is by the grace of my Lord": custom graduation cap
"This is by the grace of my Lord": custom graduation cap
Lasercut box with a living hinge
Lasercut box with a living hinge
Lasercut tabletop decoration
Lasercut tabletop decoration
Lasercut hanging decoration
Lasercut hanging decoration
Custom laser cut dentistry coasters
Custom laser cut dentistry coasters
Custom laser cut dentistry coasters
Custom laser cut dentistry coasters
CAD of custom worktable with built-in table saw, seating, and wood storage
CAD of custom worktable with built-in table saw, seating, and wood storage
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